Amazon Product Reviews and Seller Feedback: What’s the Difference?

Customer feedback

There are two types of reviews you can get on Amazon: those for the items you sell, and those for the way you conduct yourself. Neither is more or less important than the other, but if you’re at all confused about the subtle differences between them (and how to get great ones for each), then FeedbackExpress has just the info for you.


Product Reviews

If a consumer is searching for a product on Amazon, the first thing they’ll notice is the average starred review (out of a maximum of five stars, which is the best) and how many reviews there are. It’s a quick and easy way to ascertain the rough quality of a product and if you should skip over or linger a little bit longer.

For you, the Amazon seller, product reviews are one of your first points of contact with potential buyers. And in a world where product prices are increasingly similar and competitive, having amazing product reviews can help set you apart from your competitors. After all, if a buyer happens upon, say, two laptop chargers that are about the same cost, they’re going to go with the better quality (and better reviewed) one each time.

Here’s a funny one about a t-shirt with three wolves on it which you can buy here if you’re so inclined!

Product Reviews


Seller Reviews

Now, if you’re curious about the person behind the product, then seller reviews are what you turn to. By clicking on the Seller Link, you can learn more about the merchant hawking their wares and see what kind of reputation they have. Are they dependable with fulfilling orders, respond to emails quickly and easy to work with? All that will be contained within their seller reviews.

The relevance this has for you as the seller is if buyers are concerned about things like shipping or returns. And if you’re a third-party seller, this could be especially important so you can build trust with buyers even more. But if you’re opting for Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA) or have the majority of your buyers be Prime customers, then it might not be as important (but you should still put in a good effort into acquiring excellent seller reviews).

Here’s an example directly from Amazon for a seller who’s winning at customer service.

Seller Feedback


Where to Monitor Your Reviews

No matter which kind of reviews you’re concerned with, whether it’s one or the other or both, you can access them easily in your Seller Central account. There, you can see your sales history and what went on with each one, and whether you’re good to let it ride (excellent feedback) or need to take steps in bettering the situation.

Of course, you can always address each situation one-by-one and do everything manually, or you can jump on the automation bandwagon by using FeedbackExpress. Think of us as the tool that gives you extra time for a coffee with friends or a sneak matinee movie during the work week. We handle all the dirty work so you can put more focus on yourself and your business. And better yet, you can sign up now for a free 30 day trial!

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