Finally! A safe, automated way to get eBay reviews and feedback

No credit card required • 14 day trial

Your wish came true!

Get up to 52% more* eBay reviews and feedback automatically

Set up rules to automatically gather feedback on eBay when a customer purchases from your business.  FeedbackExpress even employs a system similar to eBay’s Review Request feature, ensuring full compliance with eBay’s policies. You can utilize this service even if you’ve previously encountered limitations on sending proactive messages.

Effortlessly collect reviews while you sleep! There’s no need for manual clicking per order – it’s a completely automated process. Consider it done!

Does my eBay Feedback Score and seller rating really matter?

Absolutely. eBays feedback system lets buyers know how other buyers have found the experience of making a purchase from your eBay store. Sellers with consistently stellar customer service and seller scores can even make sales at higher prices and profit margins than competitors with lower eBay feedback scores and seller ratings.§

In fact 86% of buyers will hesitate to purchase from a business that has negative reviews.

Keep your eBay review requests on brand and tailored to every purchase

Amazon wants to give customers the best possible buying experience, and that doesn’t always mean the lowest price. Your feedback scores are a major factor when it comes to winning the all-important Buy Box.

From the example below, the higher priced seller on the left will always win the Buy Box—allowing them to win the sale more profitably.

Boost your eBay Seller Rating with perfectly timed review requests

Tailor your feedback request rules based on a customer’s order channel, order status, product, fulfillment choice, or destination, ensuring your customers receive relevant review requests precisely when they are most likely to respond.”

All you need to do is set up rules that determine when and under what circumstances the feedback request is sent, and you’ll write the feedback message that will be sent to your customer. Then FeedbackExpress does the rest – easy!

”In the past 12 months, Right Deals UK has amassed 3,022 positive feedback ratings on eBay, resulting in a 97.5% positive feedback rating. The company is an eBay top-rated seller, meaning it is one of the most reputable sellers on the marketplaces, which consistently delivers outstanding customer service.”

James Sonley
Sales Director at Right Deals UK

Results using eDesk

97.6% positive eBay feedback rating and top-rated eBay seller status

Ready to put your eBay reviews on auto-pilot?

No credit card required • 14 day trial