10 Tips to Boost Sales on Amazon

Boost sales on Amazon

Even if you’re totally rockin’ things, it’s always a good idea to be looking at how you can boost your sales on Amazon just a little bit more. If you’re feeling stuck for ideas, FeedbackExpress has 10 awesome ones you can use.


1. Use Influencers to Get the Word Out

Influencers are social media users with large followings and established credibility that you can leverage to grow your own presence. Amazon has its own avenues you can use (Amazon Associates, Amazon Influencer Program), but you can look elsewhere, too. The idea is to build relationships with them so they can give your products reach and extra authority.


2. Have More Reviews Available

If you’re looking to buy a sleeping bag and have it narrowed down to two choices, which one are you going to go with: the sleeping bag with no reviews, or the one with dozens? Buyers frequently make their choices based on what others have to say because it’s one of the best ways they can make an informed decision when buying online. And if you can increase the number of reviews you have on your site, then you can increase the number of sales.


3. Be Transparent With Your Products

If you have free shipping, put that at the fore in big bold letters. And if you have multiple shipping choices, be clear about that, too. Be completely honest about the condition of your product, what the refund/return policy is, where it was bought or manufactured, and anything else buyers should know about. The more open and transparent you are, the more consumers will trust you and will feel inclined to buy from you.

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4. Send a Thank You Note

The transaction shouldn’t end once you’ve processed the buyer’s payment. It’s nice to send a follow-up email and a best practice to send one specifically to get a review, but why stop there? Imagine the effect you’d have on your buyers if you included a handwritten thank you note inside their package. It’s such a rare thing nowadays that you’ll instantly stand out from the crowd.


5. Feature Videos on Your Page

Plenty of buyers like having videos about products available that show how the item is used, or explains important things to know. Posting a one- or two-minute video about a product is a great way to flesh out the buying experience and give your customers that extra little nudge they need to buy from you.


6. Write Product Descriptions That Amaze

The key to writing product descriptions is to make the buyer vividly imagine they’re using the item. Put them right in the driver’s seat and show, don’t tell, how they need to have this product right away. Buyers can google information about products anytime and anywhere, but you need to sell them on the experience.


7. Streamline Your Sponsored Products Campaign

There are millions of products on Amazon. And you’re one seller. How are you going to cut through the noise and boost your sales? A Sponsored Products ad campaign is one way of doing so, especially if you can get good at the process. Highlight which item (or items) you want to target, figure out how much of your budget you can spend on it, and research which keywords will attract the most attention. Just make sure the items you choose are Buy Box-eligible and can be shipped to all US addresses.


8. Trim the Fat on Products That Aren’t Selling

If you’ve got slow-moving products, you need to make a hard decision about whether to eliminate them from your inventory or introduce incentives to help them move. Items that sit around cause you to lose traction and visibility as a seller, and take time away from focusing on products that do sell. For the better ones, double down on the strategies you use to sell those and give yourself a shot in the arm for them.


9. Try Subtle Changes in Product Headlines

Product headlines are 99% about using the right keywords. If you’ve noticed flagging sales, one way to counteract that is by using different keywords in the titles. But first, look at what the top sellers in your category are doing and cross-reference it with a keyword check to see how often those words are used. You can also pretend to be a buyer by looking up items with different search terms and seeing what comes up. Go for subtlety over big changes, as the latter could have adverse effects on your target goals.


10. Get to Know Customers on Social Media

If you want to get to know your shoppers and interact with them directly, go online. If they see you as a real person instead of a faceless corporation, they’ll be far more inclined to buy from you. And if they have a problem about something and you’re there to talk them through it, they’ll leave the experience more satisfied than if you just send them a form email. And once you form solid relationships, you can ask your followers to review your products so you can continue to build your presence.


Reviews are one of the most important components to selling online successfully. The more you have, the easier it is for people to trust you and buy from you. When you’re ready to take the next step in building up the number of reviews on your page, FeedbackExpress will be there for you. Start by signing up now and getting the first 14 days entirely free.

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